
Hot Chocolate and Peppermint Pt. II

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“Thank you Mr. Edgeworth,” Apollo said as he typed the information the prosecutor had just given him. He had Miles on speaker phone as he sat at his desk in the Justice Law Offices.

“You're welcome. And please, call me Miles.”

“  I'm not used to being so informal in a work situation.”

Apollo heard Miles chuckle softly and felt his cheeks turning red. He sighed as he finished entering the information he needed, saved his document, and minimized it.  He gave a small smile at his desktop picture – him and Trucy, Athena, Ema and Klavier with his arm draped casually over Apollos shoulder, everyone smiling and laughing.

Apollo sighed again, resting his head in his hands.


The attorney gave a start sending paperwork falling to the floor.  He cursed under his breath, forgetting Miles was on the line.

“Mr. Justice, is everything okay over there?”

“Yeah, yes.  I'm fine, everything is fine!” Apollo said as he bent down to pick up the paperwork.  “Sorry, I guess I was daydreaming for a moment.  I don't have any other questions for now, so I will let you go.”

“I do have a question for you, Apollo,”

“O-Okay...” He said as he placed the paperwork on the desk beside his laptop.   'Uh-oh, this sounds way too serious.'

“Will you be coming home for Christmas?”

That was the last question he expected from Miles Edgeworth.

“I am certainly going to try. It is only a month away, I guess.   I know Ema is terribly homesick, so we are putting our heads and money together to get there.”

You're not homesick?”

“Of course.  I miss Athena and Trucy and Phoenix ribbing at me...”  '...and Klavier's company.'  Of course, he wasn't going to tell Mr. Edgeworth something like that.

“Well,I know everyone here misses you.  There is someone who especially misses you, but I am sure you know who that is.”

Apollo blinked at his phone sitting on his desk.  

'Did he...was he talking about Klavier?'

He laughed nervously before answering.  “I'm sure Athena is going crazy with helping Trucy with her magic.  And Trucy is frustrated with not having someone there to convince Athena to help her. Phoenix probably has to clean the toilets and I'm sure you laugh at all of them from a distance.”

Miles chuckled again.

“While all of that is true, you never mentioned the one person that completely misses your company and presence.”

Apollo swallowed the lump in his throat.

“I-I'm sure I don't know what you mean...”

“Well, think about it Apollo.  I do have access to a private jet and it would be nice to have everyone together for at least one Christmas.”

Apollo thought about Christmas's in the past.  They were usually followed by or involved cases, or him and Ema and Klavier drinking too much spiked egg nog and passing out.

“Thank you Mr. Edge-...Miles” Apollo paused.  “I will definitely think about it. I'm sure Ema will be thrilled to hear about the private jet.”

They said their goodbyes and Apollo sighed, again.  He clicked on the documents folder on his laptop and found a folder inside marked pictures and Skype conversations.  Scrolling through, he noticed a pattern: Klavier called him every Tuesday and Thursday and every other Saturday.  He called Klavier Monday and Friday and every other Sunday.  He also noted screen shots he had saved of Klavier; mostly ones of him taken in the mornings or evenings. His long blond hair pulled back, or put up in a messy man bun – which made Apollo giggle the first time he saw Klavier with it.  

Apollo thought back two years ago when Klavier came riding up on his hog in front of the building in the snowfall.  He had taken off his helmet and there it was, his hair pulled back in that messy bun.  Klavier had convinced Apollo to come out and play in the snow.  Afterward, they had fallen asleep on the couch, watching a movie.  The next morning, Klavier had kissed him on the forehead and said something...-

The attorney gasped.

So much had happened between then and now, Apollo had forgotten what Klavier had said.  He hung his head in shame as he thought about the times Klavier was there for him.  He was by his side when Apollo was in the hospital after injuring himself.  Apollo had taken Juniper Woods out for dinner to thank her for being there.  She was a sweet girl, but there was no chemistry, no spark, when they were together.

Not like when he was near Klavier.

Klavier had helped him investigate the murder of Candace Courte and Apollo supported Klavier's decision to play Lamiror's song at the school festival.  

Now that Apollo was overseas, they Skyped on a regular basis.  But, Apollo didn't realize how much of a regular basis until he opened that folder on his laptop.

'I hope we can be more than friends someday, Apollo.'

The words echoed through his head.  He gritted his teeth and slammed his lap top shut.  Resting his elbows on his desk, he held his head in his hands.

“How could I be such a fool?”

“Mr. Edgeworth,” Apollo said later that evening.  He finished all his paperwork and talked with Nahyuta about Klavier.  Nahyuta laughed at him.  Apollo loved when Nahyuta smiled or laughed; it was a rare thing and it lit up his already beautiful face.  

He had talked with Ema, and of course she said yes to taking Edgeworth's jet to America.

“Ema and I will take you up on your offer of the private jet.”  Apollo continued.

“Very good.  I will make sure my pilot is ready and we will come pick you up on the designated date.”

“I can't thank you enough for this. Oh, and can we make it a surprise?  The looks on Athena and Trucy's and Kla-...I mean Phoenix's faces will be priceless.”

“I see you thought about what I said earlier?” Miles asked.

“” Apollo paused, unsure what to say.

“It's okay Apollo.  Matters of the heart are often the most difficult to express.” It was Miles' turn to pause.  “I think, though, what ever you do, this person will be very, very happy to see you.”

“I hope you're right, Miles.  I hope I didn't screw this up by waiting for so long.”

“Everything will be just fine, Apollo Justice.  Isn't that what you always say?”

Apollo couldn't help but grin.  

They said their goodbyes and Apollo went to sleep, dreaming of flying home and surprising Klavier.  

Miles ended up with one more person than he expected on the jet ride from Khura'in, Maya Fey.  He knew Phoenix would be happy to see her; he couldn't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces.

What he wasn't expecting was everyone to be at his house.  When Miles, Ema, Maya and Apollo walked through the door, they were surprised by Phoenix and all of their friends.  Ema and Apollo hugged everyone as Apollo looked over everyone's shoulders for Klavier.  

In the meantime, a voice made Miles turn and gasp.

“Little Brother.  These get together's are foolish and unnecessary.”

There, to his left stood his step-sister Franziska.  He knew she despised public displays of affection, so it took all his self-control to not hug her. She had flown over to Europe and disappeared into her work for three years.

“Franziska, it's very good to see you.”

“Miles, I can tell you need to hug someone. You should save it for her.”  Franny stepped aside as she waved her hand.  Out of one of Miles' spare bedrooms came their Eldest sister, whom Miles hadn't seen since he'd left Germany for the states with Manfred.  Miles almost didn't recognize her.

“El-Elspeth...” Miles stuttered.

“Little Miles Edgeworth grew into a fine young man I see.” Elspeth said. Her black hair was in stark contrast to her icy blue eyes, a trait that was passed from father to his two daughters.  “Well, don't leave me standing here! Give me a hug!”

Miles hadn't realized everyone was watching him.  He glanced back and a small blush came over his cheeks.  He cleared his throat and straightened his jacket as he walked up to Elspeth and wrapped his arms around her.  

Everyone cheered as Franny humphed, but gave a small smirk.  Phoenix was the only one that saw her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Someone had turned on Christmas music and everyone started milling about, talking and laughing.  Phoenix disappeared into the kitchen with Athena and Trucy to get the wine and champagne and food set out into the dining and lounge areas.

Miles' house was large enough for Apollo, Ema and Maya to have a room to stay in while they were in California.  It was also large enough for Klavier to have his own section of the house when he wasn't touring.  After they got their stuff settled in their rooms, Maya and Ema started back up to the party.

“I-I'm going to stay here for a minute,” Apollo said.

“Are you going to be okay?” Ema asked as she placed a hand on his forearm.

“Yeah, of course, I'm always fine.”  

Ema didn't believe him, but hugged him anyway.  

“I'm sorry he isn't here.”

Apollo hummed his response, afraid he would break out in hysterics if he said anything.

After Ema and Maya went upstairs, Apollo turned to go back into his room and shut the door.  He held his face in his hands and took deep breaths, trying to stifle his sobs.  

He was too late. And he hated himself.

A voice made him look up, a rich singing voice that only belonged to Klavier.  It was so faint, he thought he was hearing things.  Apollo wiped his face and stepped into the bathroom attached to his room.  He splashed some water on his face.  When he stepped out into the bedroom, the singing was louder, but still indistinct.

He shook his head.

“I'm slowly going crazy,” he said aloud to an empty room.

Sighing, he decided to join everyone upstairs.  He might as well try to have a good time.

As soon as he stepped into the dining room everyone cried his name and hugged and chatted with him.

“Apollo,” Miles said as he placed a hand on his shoulder.  Apollo could how red Miles' eyes were from crying and he glanced over at Phoenix, who was grinning at both of them, like the cat who ate the canary. Apollo knew that look, but he couldn't place it.  “I think you should glance out at the carolers that have decided to grace my drive way.”

He furrowed his brow at Miles. Miles pushed him gently and Apollo didn't know what to think.  He grabbed his jacket and pulled it on as he opened Miles' front door.  There, in the driveway were Klavier, a couple band mates, Juniper Woods and Pearl Fey singing carols.   He stood gaping at Klavier, not realizing that snow had accumulated since they had arrived earlier that afternoon.  The sun was just going down and everyone, including Miles, had their Christmas lights on.

Apollo walked the few feet to stand in front of them, their voices in perfect harmony, their breaths coming out in little clouds.  He glanced at the rest but he couldn't keep his eyes off Klavier, afraid he would disappear.   When they were done singing, Juniper and Pearl each gave him a hug as Klavier's band mates clapped him and Apollo on their backs.  

“Herr Forehead, how is it being in the states again?” Klavier asked.

“K-Klavier, it's really you?”  Apollo stammered.

“In the flesh,” the prosecutor smirked as flipped his hair and snapped his fingers.

Apollo wasn't sure what came over him; the relief that maybe he wasn't wrong after all, or just seeing Klavier for the first time in a year. He flung himself at Klavier and wrapped his arms around his neck, burying his face in his shoulder.  

“Whoa, Justice...I-I don't know what to say!”

“I thought I was too late.”  Apollo hadn't realized he was crying until he pulled away. He wiped his eyes, and quickly turned away.  But Klavier caught his chin in a gentle grasp and Apollo's eyes went wide. He had to place his hand on the others chest to catch his balance.

“Justice, I will always wait for you,”  the prosecutor's voice rumbled through his chest as Apollo sighed.

“I-I think I would like us to be more than friends someday as well,” Apollo said.  He swallowed hard.

“Can that someday be today?” Klavier was closer now.  He smelled of Cinnamon and clove

“Yes, I think I would like that,”

“May I kiss you, Apollo Justice?”

Apollo wasn't sure he had ever heard Klavier say his full name. He was so stunned all he could do was nod.

Klavier's lips were soft, his breath warm, and Apollo almost melted. The prosecutor chuckled and the attorney pulled back.

“I-I'm sorry, I haven't kissed anyone in a lo-”

“Justice,” Klavier's smile was infectious. “I was chuckling at the fact that you seem to be weak-kneed. I am holding you up right now.”

It was true.  Apollo looked down and Klavier was holding his full weight.  He made a nervous gesture and almost fell out of Klavier's arms.

“Apollo, relax,” Klavier's ocean blue eyes studied the man in his arms, his ridiculous hair in its usual spikes, his determined brown eyes (which he noticed were flecked with gold), the soft lips which were red from kissing.  “I've got you.”

Apollo drew in a shaky breath, willing his body to relax. It didn't, but he was standing up straighter.  He looked up at Klavier, not realizing their height difference before.  It was only a few inches, however,  the perspective it gave him of Klavier's profile, his strong jaw, the full soft lips that he just kissed -

“May I kiss you again?”

“I-I...would like that yes please-”

Klavier kissed him before he could finish his sentence and the snowy world fell away.  Apollo was happy once again.
This takes place two years after the previous story.  Apollo and Ema are in Khura'in. Lots of fluff, lots of pining and Edgeworth acting like a worried father! LOL!
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I wish I had read this before Christmas but it was still absolutely fantastic!!!